Shelbyville, Kentucky Roadblocks

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On 55

Shelbyville, KentuckyJun 22, 2013

1145 pm state police only checking ID’s. not insurance or registration. Seventh one in a month. They are looking for someone.

Kentucky Highway 55 north

Shelbyville, KentuckyAug 01, 2008

In Kentucky if you have a concealed carry gun permit, it comes up when they run either your driver’s license and/or your car’s license plate.

They made me get out of car, searched car for weapons (I don’t own any right now but I do have a permit). Made a real mess out of my car. VERY RUDE. Field sobriety test and breathilyzer tests given, demanded to see driver’s license, vehicle registration, vehicle insurance card, gun permit card.

Down the road there is an unmarked unit parked off the road and concealed, they said I was doing 73 in the 55 zone. They were goign to give me a ticket no matter what. Also gave me crap for having my amatuer radio tuned to an EMS channel (I work as an EMT, guess they missed the star of life decals on the car).

In KY if you are a ham radio operator and have a legible copy of your FCC amateur radio license in the vehicle you can have a police scanner or monitor police/fire/EMS channels as long as you don’t have the ability to transmit on those channels. So they harassed me about that too. Really rude and unprofessional.

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