Kuttawa, Kentucky Roadblocks

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Hwy 62 and I-24

Kuttawa, KentuckyJan 01, 2009

Another has posted about same stretch of road (Swanee). The State Police Jack Boots target patrons of Sante Fe and Buzzard Rock Marina (The only two places in Lyon County that serve adult beverages). The previuous post mentioned a great idea on signs warning of roadblocks. I’ve had the exact same idea, but is it legal to post a sign?? Maybe something disposable, that sets up fast, and you don’t want to retreive. Note: Don’t leave no prints! What I have been doing is stopping by above establishments and letting them know that the Nazis are down the road (Again)so they can inform their patrons of the violation of their 4th Admendment rights. Road blocks are set up on Hwy 62 both east and west of I24 interchange.

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