Romeoville, Illinois Roadblocks

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135th and Independance Blvd

Romeoville, IllinoisMay 22, 2015

DUI and seat belt

Airport and Budler

Romeoville, IllinoisOct 31, 2014

Flashing red lights at normal 4 way intersection and cops on south side of Airport Rd.

Butler & airport road

Romeoville, IllinoisOct 31, 2014

Multiple cop cars pulling over cars….intersection lights flashing.

rt 53 south of 135th

Romeoville, IllinoisMay 25, 2012

Only south lanes r being pulled to side of road huge stopping everyone.

Romeo Drive and Route 53 just south

Romeoville, IllinoisMay 01, 2009

Pulling over mostly hispanic drivers.

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