Lincolnwood, Illinois Roadblocks

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Intersection of Touhy and Crawford

Lincolnwood, IllinoisJun 28, 2012

There were traffic cones and flares narrowing the eastbound lane on Touhy to one lane. Several units were stationed on Touhy checking each vehicle for an extended period. This happened around 11:15 pm on a Wednesday night. No idea what the police were checking for. I see this roadblock around this same time several times per week but on seemingly random days. I always pull a u-turn and avoid it. There don’t seem to be units checking for cars that u-turn or pull to a side street. The roadblock is only in the eastbound lane on Touhy,not westbound.

Why people would willingly drive into a roadblock if you could take another route, no idea. Resonable search and seizure. Driving in of itself is not a reasonable provocation for search.

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