Elmhurst, Illinois Roadblocks

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intersection of Lake St. and Church Rd.

Elmhurst, IllinoisMar 22, 2015

This intersection captures cars exiting and entering Elmhurst via I-290 , also via Lake St and York rd. Elmhurst also likes to set up at the Intersection closest to York Rd . and North ave.

North Ave (IL 64) & York Rd

Elmhurst, IllinoisOct 01, 2010

There is a place by the car wash on York that you can turn around in, but it is tricky. You have to make sure none of the cops are looking because it is very close to the police check point.

York Road South of Grand

Elmhurst, IllinoisMay 01, 2010

There is a place by the car wash on York that you can turn around in, but it is tricky. You have to make sure none of the cops are looking because it is very close to the police check point.

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