Calumet City, Illinois Roadblocks

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Burnham Ave & 165th St.

Calumet City, IllinoisDec 01, 2008

Usually set up for traffic northbound, however on rare occasions, they will divert southbound traffic as well.

Burhham Ave/Just North of Michigan City

Calumet City, IllinoisDec 01, 2008

This roadblock is normally setup around the holidays. ie, Christmas, New Years, Thanksgiving. However the police have also been know to set this roadblock up when they need a PR boost.

Burnham Ave & River Oaks Drive.

Calumet City, IllinoisDec 01, 2008

Checking for pretty much anything they could find late at night.

Michagan City Road & Wentworth

Calumet City, IllinoisDec 01, 2008

This was a late-night roadblock.

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