Arlington Heights, Illinois Roadblocks

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Arlington heights Rd and I90

Arlington Heights, IllinoisMar 17, 2016

Stopping people northbound just past 90

arlington height rd and I90

Arlington Heights, IllinoisMar 16, 2013

Stopping everyone traveling northbound just north of I90

arl hts rd and i90

Arlington Heights, IllinoisJun 30, 2012

arl hts rd and i90 @ 1 am. Made everyone pull over. Checked license and registration. Probably trying to bust for DUI. Checking car for broken lights ext. Asked standard questions but probably trying to make sure I wasn’t under the influence. Have feeling they will be doing many of these due to 4 th of July festivals

I90 at Arlington Heights Rd. exit

Arlington Heights, IllinoisMar 01, 2011

Everyone on northbound Arlington Heights Rd is forced to pull into guitar center.

Dundee Road East of Route 53 before AH Ford

Arlington Heights, IllinoisSep 01, 2006

Hope this helps. Set up Weekend before Labor Day 2006. Stopping every car.

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