Snellville, Georgia Roadblocks

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Patterson Rd and Spring Rd

Snellville, GeorgiaMar 02, 2014

Gwinnett County Police. Safety stop sounds better than “Your papers, comrade?” They claimed to be checking licenses and seat belts. Remember how they snuck seal belt enforcement in by promising no primary enforcement. They had 5-6 young black males detained on the curb. I was looking for a 24 hr pharmacy and don’t know area very well. I didn’t cooperate, so I got speak with the Sargent who didn’t like my answers either.

Ronald Regan & 124 New Years Eve 2013

Snellville, GeorgiaJan 29, 2014

License check.

Highway 78 between Mcgee Road and Fountain Drive

Snellville, GeorgiaSep 14, 2012

This roadblock was only in the lanes going toward 124. Police stopping every car looking for valid licenses and expired tags.

Springdale & Lenora Church (near Police Station)

Snellville, GeorgiaSep 01, 2003

Always ask common lead questions – where have you been, doing, going, etc. Almost always is leading to and for info regarding DUI.

Just past intersection of Hwy 124 and Webb Gin

Snellville, GeorgiaJun 01, 2003

Use a flashlight that lets police know if alcohol is present in the air inside the car. Use feld tests and breathalizer.

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