Savannah, Georgia Roadblocks

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Truman Parkway and Whitfield Rd

Savannah, GeorgiaSep 11, 2011

Southbound approaching Whitfield Rd before the highway ends. Only citizens who can afford the dues are arrested here.

Little Neck and Bush Road

Savannah, GeorgiaApr 01, 2010

Not sure what the purpose of this late-night roadblock was.

Bull St.

Savannah, GeorgiaJul 01, 2007

Checking most cars late at night.

I-16 just after W Broad St (Marathon Gas Station)

Savannah, GeorgiaSep 01, 2006

If you plan on having on having a beer or two in Savannah and then driving towards I-16 forget about getting even close to W Broad St. There is a cop waiting across the gas station to see if anyone will turn around. Mostly checked for drunk drivers. They ask for Driver’s license, registration, and insurance. Every 5th car or so was pulled to the side.

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