Rome, Georgia Roadblocks

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Hwy 27 at walker mountain rd

Rome, GeorgiaOct 13, 2016

50+ police cars from all counties around the state. They are stopping all cars and checking IDs and looking inside the car. The lanes have been narrowed down from 2 lanes to one lane.

Woods rd

Rome, GeorgiaMar 25, 2016

State patrol had It

Hwy. 411 and Walker Mountain Rd

Rome, GeorgiaJul 30, 2015

This road block occurred on July 31st around 1:50 AM. They narrowed the 2 lane hwy to a one lane with cones and cop cars (in bothis directions of the hwy.) They had at least 30 least cops present including the crime scene investigation unit with them (state troopers were also present). The cop who I encountered with only asked “can I see your license?” He peeped in my vehicle and I showed him my license he promptly responded “thank you, be safe”. While I was getting my license another vehicle in the other direction tired to split and I overheard another cop ask “is anyone going to stop him?” Immediately a police car took off after the feeling vehicle. I have never encountered such a road block. Very strange almost felt like they were looking for someone or they are doing huge training classes. Also a very strange time to have a roadblock set up.

On hwy 411 in front of tractor supply

Rome, GeorgiaJul 10, 2015

Checking seat belts, drivers license, insurance & registration.

Hwy 411 near tractor supply and before Walmart

Rome, GeorgiaJul 10, 2015

Troopers and rome city police cars and motorcycle copp have one lane near tractor supply on hwy411 to one lanes. And about a mile down on the opposite side before Walmart they are checking licenses,plates,registration, and insurance on all vehicles.

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