Milton, Georgia Roadblocks

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Hopewell Rd and Bethany Bend park lot Cambridge HS

Milton, GeorgiaDec 13, 2014

Set up 9pm, setup varies usually around holidays or events. 1st question-where are you coming from, license , checked registration. Asked to pull into Cambridge parking lot so they could do a more thorough registration search. Then officer asked if you had any alcohol, FST given, followed by PBT. Also had K9 unit as well.

Mayfield Road in front of Jehovahs Witness

Milton, GeorgiaJun 28, 2011

Set up at roughly 2200 on a Fri. They used the Jehovahs Witness parking lot for driver evaluations. Watch out for the K9 handler he has a grudge against the citizens and is looking for ANY reason to search your vehicle.

If you hang out at the popular pub near the Alpharetta Municipal Court, WATCH OUT they are waiting.

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