Folkston, Georgia Roadblocks

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us 301/23 two miles south of folkston,ga

Folkston, GeorgiaOct 31, 2014

I came through headed south about 6:20 pm on 10/30/14 to over thirty county and state police cars,trucks,vans and k-nine units as well as a full semi sized tow truck.They stopped all cars both directions and checked id’s asked if I was drinking,inspected my truck and where I was going/coming from.

Where US1 and 15 split

Folkston, GeorgiaNov 25, 2012

This road block was operated with about 35 vehicles (no lie). It was blocked off on highway 1 and 15 in both directions. We were headed up to Athens for thanksgiving. On the Wednesday before we came rolling up to this checkpoint, not hard to see at all. You could see em a mile away. But with what looked like riot trucks, one that would be used to take a fugitive in the median, and numerous vans, plus about 20+ squad cars, you darn near crap yourself. They asked where we were going and when we told them that was it and he told us to have a happy holiday. What seemed scary may have been harmless but I don’t live in a communist nation and I don’t appreciate being treated like I do. Fight for your rights.

On US Hwy #1 about 10 miles north of Folkston

Folkston, GeorgiaApr 01, 2011

This is one of the largest roadblocks I’ve ever seen. At times there can be as many as twenty Imperial vehicles comprised of both state and local law enforcement. The sheer number of uniforms, vehicles, dogs, and lights is very intimidating; it’s as if you’ve landed in Soviet Russia! Usually this is a Friday evening setup.

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