Ellijay, Georgia Roadblocks

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515 through ellijay

Ellijay, GeorgiaFeb 14, 2015

Gilmer county pulling everyone over coming through town from 5 pm on..started on friday 2-13-15 and still ongoing 2-14-15…

382 and Airport Rd

Ellijay, GeorgiaFeb 04, 2015

Unknown details at this time

Legion Road

Ellijay, GeorgiaNov 07, 2012

25% of Ellijay roadblocks (April-June) happened on Legion Road where the only business is the American Legion. At check point an officer asked where I was coming from (he already saw) so I stated “The American Legion.” He then asked if I was a member there and when I said yes he had me pull off the road where he wanted me to perform a “field test.” I declined as I am a disabled veteran. He did the “eye test,” and said it showed intoxication. I had had one 12oz beer in 24 hours. He requested ballon test, which I declined telling him I would only take a breath test if under arrest. When I asked if I was free to go, he relunctantly agreed. Later occured to me that I have monovision and wonder if that was why the eye-test did not work, or if he was just lying about it.

Behind Walmart near Yukon Rd

Ellijay, GeorgiaSep 10, 2011

Stopped us and asked driver for license and registration. Driver was a designated driver and hadn’t had a drink in 36 years. The driver repeatedly told the officers that he didn’t ever drink anything. Then they repeatedly asked if anyone riding in the car had been drinking. These officers were way over the top and seemed to have too much time on their hands. A good example of “government gone wild.”

Big Creek road off of Hwy 52

Ellijay, GeorgiaJul 01, 2006

Road block appears to be set up over driving holidays such as July 4th.

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