Doraville, Georgia Roadblocks

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285 entrance ramp from Buford Hwy

Doraville, GeorgiaAug 23, 2012

Not sure what the reason is, but for the past three weeks there have been several police vehicles on the entrance ramp with cars pulled over. It backs traffic up pretty badly. I just want to know what they’re doing during morning rush hour there.

Hwy 13 at I-285

Doraville, GeorgiaNov 01, 2009

Rain or Shine they will be there they stage under the I-285 overpass. 4 to 12 officers at least 1 k-9 unit.

I-85 N Expressway-Dawson Road

Doraville, GeorgiaFeb 01, 2004

Dekalb County PD roadblock. Cops have been out for the last 3 weeks stopping for Window Tint. If you window tint looks suspect (lower than 35%) they will pull you over, measure your tint with a hand-held device. This will result in a ticket of warning.

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