Darien, Georgia Roadblocks

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Heading North into the direction of Savannah continuing over

Darien, GeorgiaFeb 23, 2016

Began around 10:15 pm just before the city limit of Darien and about 70 miles from Savannah. Mile marker 45 is current location. Currently happening still at 10:41 pm. All vehicles are about 15 mph to 20 mph. Hazards are all visible for safety.

I-95 South exit 58 at SR99

Darien, GeorgiaMay 01, 2010

05/07/2010 @ 9:00pm – 10:15pm This was a rolling roadblock for several miles before and after exit 58. There was no observable rationale for this other than harrasment of motorists.Top speed was 5 mph.Rolling roadblock ended at mile marker 54 Weigh Station.No observable hazards.

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