Atlanta, Georgia Roadblocks

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Farrington Ave SE & Grant Terrace SE

Atlanta, GeorgiaJul 22, 2011

APD posted in front of 251 Farrington Ave SE.
Stopping and checking everyone

Garson Rd off of Piedmont Rd

Atlanta, GeorgiaApr 01, 2011

This is the second time within 45 days they have set up this roadblock. Because the area has a high population of Hispanics, I feel they are targeting the area due to the new enforcement of the immigration act that just passed.

Forsyth St / Castleberry St

Atlanta, GeorgiaApr 01, 2010

Cars were being stopped on Castleberry St. and Forsyth St. near Magic City. I was asked for my license and had my tag checked and was allowed to leave. I asked what was going on and the officer said it was a traffic check. I’ve encountered a roadblock once before in this area at Haynes St and Peters St near No Mas Hacienda and Cantina about two years ago.

Old Fourth Ward: Parkway Dr NE and Linden Ave

Atlanta, GeorgiaMar 01, 2010

I asked officers about constitutionality of this. Unfortunately, Supreme Court ruled in 1990 that such stops should be allowed, although they are an infringement on personal liberties.

Fairburn Rd / Deerwood Rd across from Deerwood School

Atlanta, GeorgiaJul 01, 2009

Seemed to be checking vehicle registrations.

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