Atlanta, Georgia Roadblocks

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Atlanta, GeorgiaNov 02, 2015


Moreland Ave at Brownwood Ave.

Atlanta, GeorgiaMay 04, 2015

Officers pulling cars off of Moreland Ave at random. Reason unknown.

75 South before it merges with 85 south

Atlanta, GeorgiaMay 01, 2015

Saw it as I was heading north, don’t know what they were checking for, I’m assuming DUI because it’s Friday night

Intersection of Moreland Ave. & Constitution Rd.

Atlanta, GeorgiaMar 07, 2015

Loan officer has southbound two lanes of Moreland Avenue blocked with his car at 3:14 a.m. directly in front of Family Dollar, Burger King and Zestos. Officer was stopping and checking random cars as he desired going either direction on Moreland Ave. and Constitution Rd. Looking for D.U.I. drivers.

pryor rd. and Lakewood

Atlanta, GeorgiaNov 11, 2014

License check

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