Pensacola, Florida Roadblocks

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Mobile Highway

Pensacola, FloridaJan 05, 2016

There are several officer, I’m not sure what their looking for. But thy are not stop every car.I was told they are looking for hit and rind

davis hwy near dollar general

Pensacola, FloridaJan 22, 2015

It appears that the police are only suspected vehicles for a hit and run accident.

I 10 east bound

Pensacola, FloridaApr 30, 2013

I came up on this “rolling roadblock” just a few minutes east of Pensacola today. Traffic was converged into one lane and lots of State Policemen outside their cars watching. Since it was mid day and I did not see them actually stop anyone, I assume it was not a sobriety check point. I have been driving for 40 years and have never seen this type of thing before.

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