South Windsor, Connecticut Roadblocks

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RT 5 under I291

South Windsor, ConnecticutJul 27, 2012

Officers from several towns frequently man this spot covering North and South bound RT 5 under I 291 in South Windsor for a federally funded DUI and seat belt check point. There is a cue of 5 – 7 officers in each direction and sometimes tow trucks on stand by should you be asked to pull to the side for additional tests.

If you see it soon enough you can avoid it by – South bound get on I291 or North bound right on RT 30.

The Rt 5 North and South exit off Rte 91

South Windsor, ConnecticutMay 01, 2003

Our country went to a "Red Alert" the highest it can be, and these guy’s are out in full force to make sure I have a seat belt on. I got a ticket for $37 and I will fight this to the end. I wish these bunch of "meter maids" will grow-up and try to justify their jobs in some other way. Maybe go catch a bamk robber or something? Just letting off some steam!

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