Torrance, California Roadblocks

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Torrance Blvd. and Western

Torrance, CaliforniaDec 12, 2015

Traffic stopped, checking cars

Hawthorne Boulevard

Torrance, CaliforniaFeb 01, 2010

41 people cited in one hour for using cellphones while driving in Torrance, police say — February 4, 2010

People in Torrance who talk on their cellphones while driving may want to rethink that idea after police there ticketed 41 drivers for allegedly talking on their cellphones over the span of an hour.

Officers from the Torrance Police Department’s traffic and special events division set up an operation on Hawthorne Boulevard at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday to stop drivers for talking or texting on their cellphones.

The one-hour operation netted 41 violators, police said. The operation was prompted, in part, by police officers’ observations while on the road, said Sgt. Jeremiah Hart. "We’re seeing this a lot. Let’s go out and do some education on this," Hart said Thursday. "We’re trying to reduce distractions." One driver also was arrested for driving without a license, he said. The total fine for a first cellphone violation is $142, including court fees and penalty assessments.

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