Santa Monica, California Roadblocks

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‘Undisclosed Location’

Santa Monica, CaliforniaDec 26, 2012

SMPD Sgt. Richard Lewis said a DUI/Driver’s License Checkpoint will be held on Monday, Dec. 31 at an undisclosed location within the city limits.

Lewis said the checkpoint was part of an ongoing campaign to reduce the number of persons killed and injured in alcohol involved crashes.

“DUI checkpoints are conducted to identify offenders and remove them from the street, as well as bring awareness to our community of the dangers of impaired driving,” Lewis said.

Officers will be contacting drivers passing through the checkpoint looking for signs of alcohol and/or drug impairment. Drivers caught driving impaired can expect jail, license suspension, and insurance increases, as well as fines, fees, DUI classes, court probation, and other expenses that can exceed $10,000.

Citywide Mobile Enforcement

Santa Monica, CaliforniaApr 11, 2012

The city of Santa Monica has announced a mobile ‘motorcycle special enforcement operation’ for the weekend of April 14th and 15th 2012.

This operation will specifically target motorcyclists for registration, insurance, mechanical violations and other special enforcement upon discovery.

Location Not Disclosed

Santa Monica, CaliforniaFeb 10, 2012

February 10, 2012 — Santa Monica Police will be conducting a DUI/Driver’s License Checkpoint Friday at an undisclosed location within the city. Funding for the operation is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Undisclosed Location

Santa Monica, CaliforniaFeb 03, 2012

Checkpoint Planned For Santa Monica Next Friday, Feb. 10
posted Feb. 3, 2012, 12:16:00 pm
Mirror Staff

A DUI/Driver’s License Checkpoint will be held in Santa Monica next Friday, Feb. 10, at an undisclosed location, the Santa Monica Police Department announced today.

For more information please contact Sergeant Phillbo Rubish at the Santa Monica Police Department Traffic Section at 310-458-8950, or the Public Information Officer, Sergeant Richard Lewis at 310.458.8462.

Funding for this operation is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

City Limits

Santa Monica, CaliforniaNov 02, 2011

DUI/Driver’s License Checkpoints
posted Nov. 2, 2011, 3:57:00 pm
Mirror Staff (

A $158,000 grant has been awarded to the Santa Monica Police Department to continue holding DUI/driver’s license checkpoints throughout the city during the next 12 months.

The grant is from the California Office of Traffic Safety through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Santa Monica Chief of Police Timothy Jackman said, “The grant activities will specifically target motorcycle safety, DUI offenders, drivers with suspended or revoked licenses, red light running, speeding, and seat belt violations. This will be done through the use of DUI/driver’s license checkpoints and special enforcement operations.”

DUI/driver’s license checkpoints are a key component of the grant.

These highly-visible, widely-publicized events are meant to deter impaired driving, not to increase arrests.

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