Rancho Mirage, California Roadblocks

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Intersection of Bob Hope & Gerald Ford

Rancho Mirage, CaliforniaAug 30, 2013

At 10:30 pm on July 7, 2013, I was stopped at a DUI checkpoint at the intersection of Bob Hope & Gerald Ford in (I think) Rancho Mirage, CA. It looked like a construction roadblock with red lights flashing, the police lights and officers could not be seen until I was in the one lane it was narrowed down to (and too late because they used a median in the street to prevent people from turning around). I told them right away I only had a permit for my bike, and he asked for my registration & insurance. He told me he was taking my bike because it was after dark. I explained I was returning home from work and I was a single parent dad & I also support my mom who is disabled, but he couldn’t care less. If I couldn’t get a friend to pick up my bike with his truck, he would have impounded it there and then, costing me my job.

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