Lodi, California Roadblocks

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Turner Road @ Loma (lodi lake)

Lodi, CaliforniaMar 15, 2014

DUI March 15 2014 8pm They like to set is up right after the curve on Turner going west at Lodi Lake so it is hard to spot the check point.

kettleman lane

Lodi, CaliforniaSep 14, 2013

Frequent dui checkpoints on this road, about once a month or more. The

cherokee lane

Lodi, CaliforniaSep 14, 2013

Frequent dui checkpoints on this road. Monthly. Also. Police out a week before and two weeks after all holidays trying to generate revenue

sacramento st and lockeford st

Lodi, CaliforniaSep 14, 2013

Police will park and hide in darkness and wait for unsuspecting persons coming from old downtown, city center establishments

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