Huntington Park, California Roadblocks

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Alameda E. of Gage

Huntington Park, CaliforniaDec 31, 2012

Dec 22nd the Sons of Liberty LA were out defending the liberties of our fellow citizens. We showed up at 9PM, and , flags and banners, they jumped in! We were spontaneously joined by over a dozen different people! Several spoke better Spanish than Engflish but they could sure wave our “Don’t tread on me” flags! We were even joined by a guy in a clown suit! We were extremely well received by the public, they loved us!

HPPD was quite civil, only one motor cop threatened to cite me if my flag was waving so as to block driver’s firled of view, he was ignored. To their credit, I think they know that they are violating our liberties and when exposed they are ashamed, but they get the OT$ and they do as they are told! We stayed until 2AM.

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