Hayward, California Roadblocks

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Northbound on Mission Blvd 500 yds south of Industrial

Hayward, CaliforniaMar 01, 2010

All northbound traffic 30+ cars not moving stuck in the right lane because the left lane had a large size in #s of vehicles /personal. 825 pm i was driving south. i have seen 4 roadblocks in this area myself in aprox 2 or 3 years.

Foothill Blvd between Mission & Castro Valley Blvd

Hayward, CaliforniaDec 01, 2009

I had my license ready and while they checked it, I saw a van being hoisted onto a flatbed truck in the adjoining mall parking lot with police presence, clearly due to a DWI arrest. This is an ideal roadblock location because drivers heading to the 580 freeway from Mission will take this direct route and you can’t see the checkpoint up ahead until it’s too late. I was greeted pleasantly, not questioned, allowed to proceed, even though I had expected the third degree because I was a biker wearing club colors. I guess they figured if I could keep my bike upright and didn’t wreak of alcohol, I was okay. Still, the 20-minute delay due to traffic backup was very annoying and not something our founding fathers would have approved of.

Mission Blvd. between Tennyson and Carlos Bee.

Hayward, CaliforniaOct 01, 2006

Not sure what they were looking for.

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