Fresno, California Roadblocks

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McKinley between del Rey and greenwood

Fresno, CaliforniaMay 24, 2015

Not sobriety , but multiple police and other vehicles can’t what’s happening

n/b Palm north of McKinley

Fresno, CaliforniaFeb 27, 2013

2-27-13 10:00 a.m. “checking papers” with emission control and looks like scales? Very odd.

Blackstone northbound at the main shopping mall

Fresno, CaliforniaOct 01, 2006

There is no turnoff from this roadblock! Officers use MADD personel to direct traffic and comandeer the mall parking lot for their activities. Driver’s licenses are checked, along with the above, and frequently it is heard "Have you had anything to drink tonight?

Shaw westbound at Wishon

Fresno, CaliforniaOct 01, 2006

I witnessed CHP officers manning this roadblock force a crippled man out of his vehicle and have him attempt various field sobriety tests. When they determined he was in fact crippled after about fifteen minutes, they allowed him on his way, his dignity intact I’m sure.

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