North Vancouver, British Columbia Roadblocks

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Bottom of Mount Seymour Road

North Vancouver, British ColumbiaJan 23, 2016

Roadblock set up for vehicles returning from Mount Seymour Ski Area at the gatehouse (bottom of mtn. road). This was on a Saturday night around 9-10pm over the Christmas holidays. First and only time I’ve seen it (I work there)

Dollarton Hwy and Ravens Wood Dr.

North Vancouver, British ColumbiaMay 05, 2013

Small road block set up.
Only checking Eastbound traffic.
Don’t know too much detail since I was going westbound-and was not stopped.

Second narrows bridge

North Vancouver, British ColumbiaDec 30, 2012

Drinking and driving checks

Capilano Road and Hwy 1

North Vancouver, British ColumbiaDec 20, 2012

On Capilano road under highway 1 bridge that crosses the Capilano river. Gets all traffic north and southbound on Cap road as well as Highway one eastbound on ramp from Cap road.

on the 2nd narrows bridge

North Vancouver, British ColumbiaJul 09, 2012


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