Stone County, Arkansas Roadblocks

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On Herpel Rd. at the golf course

Stone County, ArkansasMay 23, 2015

The Nazi’s were set up when I passed thru there at about 9:30 P.M. on May 23,2015. Sobriety checkpoint.

Intersection of Herpel Rd. and Ar.5

Stone County, ArkansasFeb 21, 2015

New Years Eve 12/31/14 Herpel Rd.deadends into Ar.5 (only outlet) at Ar.5 Whole intersection was blocked, all vehicles stopped and drivers questioned Have you been drinking? How much? When? Where are you going and what are you doing? I’ve only lived here in Mountain View Ar.a year, I’m not aware of any advanced warning and this is the only time I’ve seen it here.

Intersection ofAr.87 and Ar.14

Stone County, ArkansasFeb 21, 2015

2014 late summer or early fall. Ar.87 stops at Ar.14. All three directions were blocked with police cars. License, where are you going and what are you doing? Have you been drinking? How much? When?

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