Mena, Arkansas Roadblocks

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Hwy 8 East near Ransom Road

Mena, ArkansasMar 01, 2003

When stopped at this location there were 3 officers one on the drivers side one on the passenger side and one at the back of the vehicle shining a flashlight into the back of my SUV. When the officer approached the veichle he asked if I had my "papers" and that this was to check for DWI’s, seatbelts, and other such things. He told me that I would be on my way if everything cheked out okay.

At this time the officer on the passenger side was shining the flash light in the side mirror so that it was in my mother’s face and she could not see him. After checking all that and looking to see if we had our seatbelts on the officer asked if I would get out of my car. I told him no and told him that I had never had any problems with tickets or anything that we had not done anything. He once again said he wanted me just to step out. I again told him no. I knew this officer and called him by name. Telling him I did not want to get out.

Another officer that knew me well walked over and said that he knew me and my mother and that we were fine to let go. After about 35 to 40 minutes we finally was aloud to go. With the last word that was said to us is that we did not need to be out that late. I am 23 and my mother is 40 last time I checked we lived in a state that you could be out when you wanted and what ever time you wanted.

Since then I am followed home on a frequent basis. I have since then changed cars and it has slowed down but the Police State will only get worse..

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