Harrison, Arkansas Roadblocks

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SR 206 west of 65 approximately 2.5 miles

Harrison, ArkansasJul 03, 2012

This roadblock was described as a sobriety checkpoint. The problem I had with it was no sobriety check was performed. I personally have a problem with drunk drivers and feel that they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law when found driving intoxicated. They are a threat to the safety and welfare of other drivers, pedestrians as well as themselves. But when the officer doesn’t actually perform a check and just asks for insurance papers and a drivers license it seems like a waste of time energy and effort to me. More like I’m driving in China and the local patrol is asking to see my papers. According to studies, the officers would be better used patrolling and actually looking for impaired drivers vs standing on the side of the road trying to find someone with a month expired insurance paper or an out of date drivers license.

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