Tuscon, Arizona Roadblocks

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Aviation Highway E / Paloverde overpass

Tuscon, ArizonaDec 01, 2007

I was going east on Aviation Highway approaching the Palo Verde under pass when I saw a bunch of cop lights on ahead. I wasn’t sure if there was an accident or what. Then I saw some stop signs and people waving me through so I thought that it was a construction site. Till I passed the 3rd stop sign and realized that it was a sobriety check point. The sheriff stopped me and asked where I was coming from? I said from my parents house and then the other sheriff guy asked me if I had been doing any drinking. I said " No! " I was annoyed! Then they said ok be careful driving and handed me a sobriety checkpoint pamphlet. I thought how sneaky of them to try and trick people into thinking that it was a construction work site. So be aware of those night time construction sites they might be check points.

Swan Rd between River Rd and Sunrise, both lanes

Tuscon, ArizonaJan 01, 2007

The checkpoint is hidden in such a way that you cannot see it coming either northbound or southbound. I was told by an officer to exit my vehicle as he smelled alcohol. It was clearly a ruse and the officer was only "assuming" he had me. I was given a quick "pen to eye" test and ordered to submit to a breathilizer.

I passed both tests and was allowed to leave. Based on my observation, officers were free to assume one had been drinking by the time of the night and occupants in the vehicle. I was alone, however I observed a family van being waived through (with kids inside) without so much as a stop and check.

Oracle Rd, southbound, between Rudasil & River Rd.

Tuscon, ArizonaDec 01, 2006

This is a sobriety check roadblock that I see set up every couple of months on my way home from work. I get off at midnight and it seems they are never quite finished setting it up then. But a friend of mine who gets off later has been stopped. Along with the standard equipment they usually set up a trailer where they can test your blood in case they feel like arresting you for a DUI. They set this roadblock up as you arwe going down the hill right before you reach rive road. The only place to turn off before the roadblock is into a business park so by the time you see it it is already to late.

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