Ehrenberg, Arizona Roadblocks

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I-10 and truck scales just east of Blythe

Ehrenberg, ArizonaOct 10, 2014

DEA, La Paz county sheriff, sniffing dogs, confiscating mmj even if your a patient and siezing money even small amounts $1000 – 2000$ even if you do not have mmj they will take ur money

Coming from California to Arizona on I10 east at border

Ehrenberg, ArizonaJan 27, 2014

Gestapo stopping and illegally searching cars.
Not really looking for illegals but drugs. ATF on site with 7 dogs
Even if u have medical card they will take it.

I-10 Westbound at the Weigh Station at the AZ/CA border

Ehrenberg, ArizonaJan 24, 2013

Border patrol checkpoint with a dog present. There were two BP officers questioning drivers and a BP agent with a dog walking between cars up and down the road. Several cars pulled into secondary. Many border patrol cars and undercover cars present. A border patrol car was located a few miles East of the checkpoint watching for cars pulling around in the median or pulling into the nearby rest area.

Be careful, medical marijuana patients from all states are in jeopardy! The border patrol will tear apart your car. Do not travel with money, the border patrol will seize money.

I-10 Westbound

Ehrenberg, ArizonaJan 07, 2012

I travel weekly from PHX to So Cal. In the last year, there has twice been a border patrol stop on I-10 just west of the rest stop which would be right around mile marker 4. Both times there was not a stop on Eastbound I-10. Next time you pass the rest area just before the AZ – CA state line – look to the right and you will see a small building on a small off ramp. That is where they set ip their operations at. The first time there were dogs, the second there was not.

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