Vestavia Hills, Alabama Roadblocks

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intersection of rocky ridge rd & old rocky ridge rd

Vestavia Hills, AlabamaJul 17, 2016

Multiple police vehiles, not all clearly marked or with lights on; 4 officers I counted, 2 black & 2 white. CALLED ‘safety check”; officer unable to pullup my policy from previous 6-month policy term [Exp 6/27 though on Auto-renew; I renewed 7/7/16; “safety check” on 7/17/16 @~0145] & despite proof of policy but database failure, he issued a requirement to show proof in court without any further questions – possibly b/c I said [very respectfully] the stop is not a safety check & is illegal

Columbiana rd. in front of Charter Communications

Vestavia Hills, AlabamaMar 13, 2014

Night time. They also do it on rocky ridge rd..

Rocky Ridge Road at Tanglewood Drive

Vestavia Hills, AlabamaMay 01, 2011

They seemed to be checking for DUI, insurance and seat belts.

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