Huntsville, Alabama Roadblocks

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on Carl T Jones/Bailey Cove at intersection with the Ledges

Huntsville, AlabamaDec 31, 2014

2 cops preparing to begin stopping people cops standing in middle of median on Carl T Jones at 8:30 with both of their separate squad cars flashing their blue lights atop each’s vehicle without making the usual ‘sirens’; it seemed like they were preparing to begin a ROADBLOCK at this location for those traveling to Hampton Cove over Cecil Ashburn and to stop motorists on their way home from parties and/or bars, etc., who are traveling to southside Huntsville, near the Grissom area and possibly en route to Brownsboro/New Hope.

Sparkman Dr & Redmont Dr

Huntsville, AlabamaDec 31, 2014

DUI Check point

weatherly overpass on parkway

Huntsville, AlabamaAug 21, 2014

11:30 pm check license registration insurance

Intersection of Whitesburg Dr. and Martin Rd.

Huntsville, AlabamaMay 04, 2014

intersection of whitesburg dr and martin rd 05/04/14

Bob Wallace ave

Huntsville, AlabamaAug 31, 2012

In front of Marcos pizza

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