Auburn, Alabama Roadblocks

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Cox and Veterans Road

Auburn, AlabamaMar 11, 2014

March 7th, 2014

Both lanes of traffic stopped.

Multiple units checking for license and proof of insurance on the road, as well as seat belts.

I saw several people being ticketed.

In general this seems to be a relatively high area of police activity.

Webster Road at Bellwood entrance

Auburn, AlabamaMay 30, 2013

May 29, 2013. Checked license and proof of insurance. This is the second or third this year.

W Longleaf Dr

Auburn, AlabamaJul 01, 2010

This was setup late at night.

Bragg Ave

Auburn, AlabamaMay 01, 2002

They were checking vehicle registration/insurance and making sure people were wearing seat belts.

Highway 14

Auburn, AlabamaAug 01, 2001

Checking for registration, insurance and seat belts.

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