Hartland, Vermont Roadblocks

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Just south of White River Jct. on I-91 south

Hartland, VermontJun 01, 2008

This checkpoint is operated by the U.S Dept. of Homeland Security/U.S. Customs. It is a federal checkpoint 90 miles south of the Canadian border just outside of White River Jct., VT on I-91 south. All vehicles are stopped and you are questioned about your citizenship, etc.

They will walk around your car and then return to your car window and ask you some more questions. Even Greyhound buses are told to pull into the rest area/weigh station 50 feet away and the buses and the passengers inside are inspected and questioned. In the rest area, there are big campers set up and it looks very police state.

There is a viscious dog tied up outside of the camper. If you pull into the rest area, you can see the federal agents with handcuffed people…mostly people of color. It looks like discrimination and it’s very sad.

It’s sad to see internal checkpoints in America, especially federal agents operating them. I am so glad that I don’t have any children. I wouldn’t want to raise them in America because America is a fast growing police state and it looks like Americans are losing their constitutional rights and freedoms.

It’s very shocking and sad to see these Orwellian things going on in America. It makes me wonder what they are going to do next.

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