Myrtle Beach, South Carolina Roadblocks

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Postal Way

Myrtle Beach, South CarolinaFeb 28, 2012

Right in the middle of Postal Way where there is no escape. Asking for license, insurance, reg, …stopping every car. They must have something better to do. There were 8 cops and 4 cars tied up at this mess.

Robert Grissom Parkway

Myrtle Beach, South CarolinaOct 14, 2011

Area police plan traffic checkpoints in Myrtle Beach area
By Tonya Root on Friday, Oct. 14, 2011

Police agencies are being asked to conduct “Stepped-Up Enforcement” along area roads later this month in an effort to reduce crashes and other driving related offenses, according to authorities. Various checkpoints are expected to be held as part of the increased focus to prevent crashes and traffic-related fatalities, said Cpl. Shannon Toole with the Myrtle Beach Police Department’s traffic division. Myrtle Beach police also are planning to hold a checkpoint on Nov. 16 along Robert Grissom Parkway in the city, Toole said.

Robert Grissom Parkway

Myrtle Beach, South CarolinaNov 01, 2010

Officers with the 15th Circuit Law Enforcement Network are planning a traffic safety checkpoint tonight along Robert Grissom Parkway in Myrtle Beach, said Myrtle Beach Police Sgt. John Bertang. Additional details were not available. Read more:

17th Avenue

Myrtle Beach, South CarolinaSep 01, 2009

Seven people were arrested Wednesday at a traffic safety checkpoint on 17th Avenue South near Highway 15 in Myrtle Beach, according to Sgt. John Bertang. The checkpoint was conducted between 9 and 11:30 a.m. Forty-five citations were issued _ 14 for driver’s license violations, seven for vehicle registration violations, four for driving under suspension, three equipment violations and 17 insurance violations, Bertang said. Five vehicles were towed from the scene, Bertang said.

Hwy 17

Myrtle Beach, South CarolinaMay 01, 2009

May 7-8, 2009. The city of Myrtle Beach has never held traffic checkpoints during the May motorcycle rallies before, said police Capt. David Knipes. This year, the police department has scheduled several: From noon to 2 p.m. Tuesday, on Ocean Boulevard between Eighth and Ninth avenues north. From 10 a.m. to noon Thursday, on Farrow Parkway at Warbird Park. From 10 a.m. to noon Thursday, on U.S. 501 at the eastbound U.S. 17 Bypass. From 1 to 3 p.m. Friday, on U.S. 501 at the eastbound U.S. 17 Bypass.

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