Hattiesburg, Mississippi Roadblocks

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US Hwy 49 and 42 by dollar general and ropers

Hattiesburg, MississippiMay 07, 2016

There are about 20 cops checking driver licenses and tags, and send you on your way. However they had several people out of their cars doing searches. This road block happened on Friday may 6th 2016 at midnight and will there again on may 7th from midnight til 3am

Intersection of Park Ave and Quinn St.

Hattiesburg, MississippiAug 16, 2012

Once or twice every month, for a few hours during the day about six patrol cars and about 8 police officers set up a roadblock here, checking for insurance and whatever else they can find.

Near Twin Oaks and Dollar General

Hattiesburg, MississippiAug 05, 2011

As many as 20 police city doing a routine driver’s license check on attempts to locate drugs and alcohol. This is a group of complete dicks so avoid if all possible.

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