Gulfport, Mississippi Roadblocks

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three rivers

Gulfport, MississippiMar 09, 2015

March 9 2015

three rivers at school

Gulfport, MississippiDec 12, 2014

police everywhere dui check

Hwy 49 north of interstate 10

Gulfport, MississippiNov 29, 2014

Police had both sides of traffic stopped. It was approximately 3 p.m. on Wednesday November 26, 2014.

On 28th st just past Kelly Ave

Gulfport, MississippiMay 26, 2012

Memorial day “alcohol checkpoint” is what is was told I avoided this illegal roadblock myself but spoke to some one who had been stopped. Its funny that at these “alcohol checkpoints” you are also asked for a valid drivers license and proof of insurance.

17th Street and 33rd Ave

Gulfport, MississippiJul 03, 2011

Encountered this constitutional violation at 10:35 pm on July 2,2011. They were interrogating everyone that came through.

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