Gautier, Mississippi Roadblocks

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Hwy 57

Gautier, MississippiMar 12, 2016

Sobriety Check Point on HWY 57 Gautier, MS. on 9/27/2014. about 9PM Saturday. I saw this a few months earlier too, but never figured out what was being done … until I got arrested on the 2nd encounter.
Qs: “ID?” … “Where your comming from” (while preocupied searching for ID) …”Taking medication?” Then ordered to pull over & exit vehicle. Then the other cops stopped traffic as The arresting officer brought me to the middle of the 2 South bound lanes. The plan was to force the halted motorist to watch me do sobriety tests. This intimidated a driver possessing spice to do an urgent u turn across the medium. Patrols set up on the N. bound side persued suspect. I was asked twice how many drinks I had. After barely blowing twice, MHP officer said he needed me to follow his finger. I just did the blood test by an”on call nurse” @ the ADC jail: It was during “No refusal weekend”! How/where does one find upcoming schedules allegedly physically announced?

Martin Bluff Rd at martin bluff baptist church

Gautier, MississippiJul 29, 2015

It was July 23 at 10:30pm they just checked license and insurance and tag. There were a lot of police cars probably 10 or more.

Gautier Vancleave Rd just passed Sandhill Crane

Gautier, MississippiMay 01, 2011

Was on a Tuesday nite ended at 9.00 p.m. Roadblock was set up by Jackson County Sherrifs. Been thru many roadblocks on this road by both MS State Troopers and Jackson County. Gautier Police have only done radar. Also Gautier Vancleave Rd and Hwy 57 is a regular place..

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