Plainfield, Illinois Roadblocks

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route 30 & Renwick rd

Plainfield, IllinoisMay 23, 2015

the road block is across the street from a liquor store pas Durbins on the north east side of street just before Renwick

Renwick and rt30. Next to mega sports

Plainfield, IllinoisAug 30, 2014

9pm to ?. Alot of cops pull all cars to the side and do safety/ sobriaty tests

Northbound Route 59 just North of Route 30

Plainfield, IllinoisSep 02, 2012

Massive forced roadblock with multiple units and search/spotlights. We passed by 5/1/2012 at 11:20 pm

Rt.59 (Just south of 135th) by Meijers

Plainfield, IllinoisMay 27, 2012

Massive multiple agency. I went through at 2 a.m. on 5/27/12

Caton Farm Rd. just west of Route 59

Plainfield, IllinoisSep 01, 2007

Located in Wedgewood golf course parking lot.

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