Hwy 57
Sobriety Check Point on HWY 57 Gautier, MS. on 9/27/2014. about 9PM Saturday. I saw this a few months earlier too, but never figured out what was being done … until I got arrested on the 2nd encounter.
Qs: “ID?” … “Where your comming from” (while preocupied searching for ID) …”Taking medication?” Then ordered to pull over & exit vehicle. Then the other cops stopped traffic as The arresting officer brought me to the middle of the 2 South bound lanes. The plan was to force the halted motorist to watch me do sobriety tests. This intimidated a driver possessing spice to do an urgent u turn across the medium. Patrols set up on the N. bound side persued suspect. I was asked twice how many drinks I had. After barely blowing twice, MHP officer said he needed me to follow his finger. I just did the blood test by an”on call nurse” @ the ADC jail: It was during “No refusal weekend”! How/where does one find upcoming schedules allegedly physically announced?