Highway 54 South Prior to the 506 county road

Alamogordo, New MexicoMar 01, 2011

United States Border Patrol fixed check point. This location uses K9’s that sniff for fire arms, weapons of mass destruction and drugs or human bodies in trunk or compartments. Also used is a vehicle body scanning machine next to the stop and is used 24/7 in every vehicle as you sit and are asked questions from personal affairs to spouses or kids in car.

8 out of 10 times you will be asked where you live, and to pop the trunk. If you are a bus, Uhaul etc you will be asked right away to secondary for inspection. Typically one agent will appear but if needed there are typically up to 10 in side the primary building by the stop.

There is racial and sexual discrimination or targeting at night or early morning AM. This varies from the race of the group of agents working, sometimes all anglo, sometimes all hispanic or Other. Lone or double females are typically bullied to go to secondary and made to sit on ground while vehicle is searched and agents are not shy to stare at females.

If any presecription drugs exist and were not stated prior to the secondary that are legally yours they press they case of you attempted to conceal prescription items from the agents knowledge, and or if asked of fire arms or weapons that are legal in NM and you didnt state you had one when asked or prior, you will be hassled for concealing a fire arm at the stop.

Very unfriendly and a camera handy running typically gets the response of you being waved through or just asked citizenship then let go. Keep camera on but not pointing at agent, having it on works, but pointing it at them will get a bad result of aggression.

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